First days.

Well, we are finally here. After much travelling and one day of slight jet lag, we are now functioning normally and settling into our new and extremely foreign surroundings. A lot of people think that because Japan is quite westernised it is easy for westerners to live there, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You have all the appearance of a western commercial society but if you take even a small look into Japanese society, you soon realise that things are very different.

After a walk around Ichikawa you notice so many differences from the way things are back home. the houses are very close together but also very beautiful and with lots of character. the cars are gleaming! I have only seen one car that isn’t shining like a polished suit of armour. Also as anyone would think, there is Japanese everywhere and it is very intimidating to look at. Something as simple as looking at a menu can turn into a very taxing activity. None the less, it is fascinating and I am very happy to be here.

At the moment we are still being orientated to what mission in Japan is like, and I anticipate that God is going to be teaching us a lot and in ways that we do not expect, as so often is the way that He works in us. Personally, Japan is nothing like how I expected it to be and I can see that God is already teaching me through this,removing my old points of view and showing me the way things really are. It is a very humbling experience.

Day one over and now half way into day 2, and we are all very excited. I’ll post again soon and try to get some photos in.

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